Under our broad engineering service offering, our talented team is more than adequately equipped and skilled to confidently offer professional tailored services.
MCPM has successfully completed various projects in different regions in South Africa. The magnitude of projects entrusted to us continues to increase as we continue to offer premium, dependable services to all our clients.
Engineering Procurement Contract Management
Principled on solid knowledge and foundation of delivering bulk water and sanitation infrastructure ranging from steel and concrete pipelines, canals, pumpstations, bulk schemes, storage facilities and irrigation schemes. MCPM sound expertise has been shaped and developed to global standards; this is matched with having experience and exposure of various built environment contracts from NEC3, NEC4, JBCC, FIDIC and GCC and various industry guidelines. Our formidable EPCM approach enables turnkey projects to be delivered swiftly including, social and gap housing and mixed used developments, urban developments and municipal services.
Private Public Partnership
MCPM has a fully developed, competent and capable Public Private Partnerships (‘PPP’) management division that continues to grow from strength to strength. MCPM unparalleled experience in project managing and monitoring the complex 30year water and sanitation concession (‘PPP’) has allowed us to grow our systems, resource and expertise in managing complex built environment PPPs. MCPM hold a niche know-how in managing these multifaceted complex multi-year contracts and the intricate understanding of the risks, management responsibility and linkage between the technical, financial and legal contract integration of these strategic long-term contracts onto the relevant statutory and legislative frameworks. Whilst creating a professional platform on which a public entity and a private partner can both derive mutual benefit through competent management support.

Urban Design
MCPM is accustomed to the most complex mixed-use, housing, and corporate developments as well many government agencies projects. Driven by a passion for innovation and sustainability we have sort to provide our clients who range from small towns to large metros as well as private developers, professional services solutions that embody current trends on the green economy and smart cities. Projects that have been encountered include small town rehabilitation initiatives, mixed used development precincts and neighbourhood enhancements. Our services include the following key disciplines:• Location analytics and Site Appraisals • Base Utility Mapping • Bulk Infrastructure Services Planning • Stormwater Management Plans • Traffic Engineering & Impact Assessments • Civil Engineering Designs • Detailed Engineering Designs • 3D Civil Modelling • Agency Permit Assistance
Irrigation Schemes
MCPM provides a full turnkey solution for revitalization and modernization of irrigation schemes in promoting sustainable water usage and water conservation. Our services include the assessment of infrastructure layout of existing schemes, condition assessment of bulk canals, flow controls by use of modern technology (‘FFC’), pump stations transformer oil analysis assessments, infrared analysis, bulk pipelines condition assessment and GPS mapping of existing networks, pipeline replacement including infields pipelines, drainage system conveyancing design and controls. Our service also include leak detection analysis, hydraulics controls, meter accuracy systems to enhance equitable water distribution in all points.
Our Other Offerings

Water & Sanitation
MCPM provides full turnkey solutions for Water and Sanitation project requirements from Planning, Design, Documentation and Project Supervision. We pride ourselves in having successfully delivered many water and sanitation projects, ranging from Pipelines Reservoirs, Pumpstations, Gravity Mains, Abstraction Works and a variety of Bulk Schemes. MCPM other competencies is Infrastructure Master-planning and Condition Assessment of Water and Sanitation Assets.

Roads & Transportation
MCPM provides consulting services in transportation engineering and planning, our expertise are from small and large projects, requiring a range of solutions. We specialize in Traffic Planning, Design of Traffic Infrastructure - Municipal and Highways, Environmental Impact Assessments on Transportation Projects, Municipal Traffic Safety Improvement Plans and Overall Project Management of Transport Projects from Routine Road Maintenance to New Road Design and overall.

Infrastructure Condition Assessment
Infrastructure Asset Management, Asset Analysis and Modeling, Valuation and Efficiency. Providing design, testing, commissioning, quality control and project management. This includes concrete test, efficiency test, vibration analysis, thermal scan, infrared thermography, oil analysis and cathodic protection.

We have the ability to manage projects, monitor contracts and conduct audits for projects. Under our broad engineering service offering, our talented team is more than adequately equipped and skilled to confidently offer professional tailored services.